About Me
A little bit about me and what I do.
Therapeutic Massage
I got my therapeutic massage training at De Anza College, finished in Jan. 2020. Yeah, how's that for crazy timing.
Some of the cool things I can do:
Neuromuscular Massage
Myofascial release
Trigger Point Therapy
Deep tissue
Lymph Drainage
Visceral Manipulation (that's a gentle massage of the connective tissues of the organs)
Swedish Massage
Chair Massage
Sports Massage
Shiatsu (acupressure points - also a great way to include Earth Reiki)
And that's a great segue to the Earth Reiki.
Earth Reiki is a combination of two different techniques. I learned traditional Usui Reiki and became a Reiki Master in Mar. 2016. Soon after I learned Moto-Ki, which is basically earth energy healing. It feels like running a denser earthier version of Reiki. It's a delightful combination.
I always use include Reiki for free. When I do Tarot readings, or during a therapeutic massage session, I always run Earth Reiki. Sometimes people want me to focus more on the Reiki aspect during a massage and that's totally fine.
Yep. Tarot Readings. I have been into Tarot for several years. In Jun 2018 is when I knew I was ready to finally be a professional reader. I love Tarot so much. I find it so helpful with grounding and bringing a bit of clarity to whatever is going on. Clear is kind after all.
I also teach Tarot and Reiki on my meetup group: www.meetup.com/tarotenergyhealing/
I also have my own resource website: www.ladyofradiantjoy.org
You can also follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ladyofradiantjoy